Belmont High School Motto |
Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve
Belmont High School
1575 West 2nd Street
Los Angeles CA 90026
Welcome Belmont Sentinels and Hilltoppers

Belmont High School Campanile,
In 1921 on Crown Hill, once the site of Hotel Belmont and the Belmont School for Girls, construction
began for a new high school, and two years later Belmont High School opened its door to about 500 students and 24 teachers.
Those first students were nicknamed "Sentinels" because they were able to oversee the entire city from their "lookout"
on Crown Hill. For almost 45 years, until 1967 when it was destroyed to make room for an expanding student body, the
Campanile, a Belmont brick tower, was a symbol of Belmont's beauty and unity.