Go to Recent and Upcoming Events for latest news and reunions scheduled or being planned.
Belmont says goodbye to the following teachers and staff
Roger Butcher
Richard Higa
Doris Hirosawa
John Lackner
Jackie Lang
Richard Ming
Dolores Montante
Maria Olmos
Mary Ellen Rivera
Nury Serrano
Steve Visotsky
Transferring or new career-
Noel Bautista - SouthEast HS
Sandy Drinkward - Fairfax HS
Julie Garrett - Venice HS
Ellen Knight - Virgil Middle School
Lynn Harvey - Santee HS
Gloria Llewyn - Santee HS
Eldiza McCammon - Santee HS
Tony Velie - Santee HS
John Orendorff - North Hollywood Zoo Magnet
Vivian Pittman - Marshall HS
Valerie Schultz - Mayfield High School
Glenn West - Complex Instruction Training (Stanford University)
Mimi Zolla - new career
Gino Iezza - Florida
Glenn Hutloff - Charter School, Malibu
David Maegher - ?
Dr. Birckich - ?

Belmont Band and Cheerleaders perform during a football game.

Looking at Los Angeles Downtown from Belmont football field.